Sustainable. Traditional.
Our Vineyard

Canyon Slopes
Extreme heat, marginally fertile soil and steep, steep slopes characterize the canyonlands at Wawawai. A formidable site on which to grow wine grapes— newly established vines may take up to five years before reaching adequate maturity for production. An acre in the Canyon will yield only about 1-2 tons of fruit during a good year (whereas most commercial vineyards will yield anywhere from 3-5 tons per acre). Berries are notably small and flavors tend to be intense and concentrated. High acid levels and relentless structure make for earthy wines that reward cellaring.
In establishing the first commercial vineyard in Whitman County since prohibition, David and Stacia Moffett benefited from the help and encouragement of pioneering Lewiston viticulturalist, Bob Wing. A single test block was planted in 1994 with twelve different varietals, including cuttings from Bob’s small vineyard. Several of the varietals in the original block that flourished were then planted in abundance on two larger blocks, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Syrah, Sauvingon Blanc and Rkatsiteli. The most recent plantings are classic Bordeaux blenders that contribute to the significant depth and complexity found in our wines—these grapes are Petit Verdot, Malbec and Carmènere. The Moffetts are proud to manage the vineyard sustainably.